Awaso Canadian Academy Foundation (ACAF)

Goals of Awaso Canadian Academy Foundation

  • Purchase government curriculum for all students; develop a comprehensive library in the school; continue to provide transportation for students who must travel further than 5 km; cover the operating costs of the facility.
  • Continue to develop an irrigated sustainable agriculture farm that provides vegetables, poultry, sheep and goats used for school lunch program. In the future selling extra produce will raise money for the school and help them to become self-sufficient.
  • Accept all students of every socioeconomic background regardless of religious affiliation; the only criteria for enrolment is their desire to work hard and commitment to regular attendance.

Since the inception our group has seen amazing things in:

The number, background and location of the people involved in this project is beyond imagination. The “idea” has become a reality. We have received donations from as far away as Ireland, all over the United States and Canada. We have supporters in Eastern Canada, California, Innisfail, St. Albert, Edmonton and Drayton Valley, Alberta not to mention the various small towns with relatives of supporters who are making cash donations and items for the students and teachers. God is blessing the project through the people and the people are being blessed by the project.

We have provided employment and money to the local economy through labour and materials which help individuals and the whole community. We negotiated successfully with the chief and people with interest for an additional 10 acres making the total school site 15 acres. Now we will be able to develop a plot of land to grow food for the school programs and teach the children horticulture and cooking skills right there. It also gives us the area needed to build accommodations for visiting and resident teachers on the site.

The building is a “pearl” in the jungle. There have been delegations of elders walking miles to see a school with “tile floors” for children. This is a major accomplishment in rural Ghana. Father Paul moved back to Ghana July of 2010 to operate and direct the school. He holds the position of president of the registered charity that owns the school and land, ACAFAAI Foundation. He also is a priest with the diocese which includes Awaso. He has dual citizenship (American and Ghanian) so he can travel back and forth as we need him for our fundraising efforts and updates on how the school is going. We have partners in the USA helping with operating costs and capital projects. Thanks to all of them for what they are doing. See their progress on .

We have updated our budget and it is on another part of this website. There is much work to be completed and the ongoing costs will need to be covered. We are starting a scholarship and sponsorship program. If you would like to support the final construction of the school, or sponsor a specific student, or contribute to a scholarship, please contact us!! Any donations will be tax deductible.

HELP THEM TO HELP THEMSELVES. We must give the people of Awaso, Ghana, Africa “a hand up not a hand out” and they will exceed our expectations in the future. The potential is explosive.

We are a registered charity under the Income Tax Act and will provide tax deductible receipts. #830508354RR0001 We are also a registered Society under the laws of the Government of Alberta. Corporate Access #5016395328