Awaso Canadian Academy Foundation (ACAF)

Our mission is to enable the people to help themselves through providing education for the children of Awaso, Ghana.

Main Objectives of the Project

Our Project

Giving the people of Awaso, Ghana, Africa “a hand up not a hand out.”

What is Awaso?

It is Father Paul Mensah’s dream of ending the cycle of poverty in his home village of Awaso, Ghana.

Contact Our Directors

We welcome the help of companies, organizations and individuals who want to change lives in Ghana.


Global Supporters


Children Helped


Years of Experience

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Get Involved

We welcome all volunteers to help support Awaso Canadian Academy Foundation. We need sponsorship of students because it is the main source of revenue for the academy, however, any donation large or small is very much appreciated and 100% goes to the project with no administration fees. Call 780-542-5782 for more information.